Rushd biography

Ibn rushd contributions

Ibn Rushd (Arabic: ابن رشد; full name in Arabic: أبو الوليد محمد بن أحمد بن رشد, romanized: Abū al-Walīd Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Rushd; 14 April – 11 December ), often Latinized as Averroes (English: /əˈvɛroʊiːz/), was an Andalusian polymath and jurist who wrote about many subjects, including philosophy, See more.

rushd biography

Ibn rushd death

The Andalusian philosopher, physician and judge Ibn Rushd (–) is one of the great figures of philosophy within the Muslim contexts, and a foundational source for post .

Averroes in arabic

Averroes was the Latin name of Abu l-Wahid Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Rusd, famously known as Ibn- Rushd.
What is ibn rushd best known for
Averroës was born into a distinguished family of jurists at Cordoba and died at Marrakesh, the North African capital of the Almohad (al-Muwahhidun) dynasty.