Jaba Ioseliani (Georgian ჯაბა იოსელიანი; 10 July – 4 March ) was a Georgian politician, member of Parliament of Georgia, writer, thief-in-law and leader of the paramilitary .
Caucasus mountain people
Ioseliani or Iosseliani (Georgian: იოსელიანი) is a Georgian surname.
Caucasus federation
Jaba Ioseliani was released from prison in an amnesty in April and resumed his post as head of the Mkhedrioni, declaring his intention to run for president and participate in the .
Aslan usoyan
Dschaba Iosseliani (georgisch ჯაბა იოსელიანი; russisch Джаба Константинович Иоселиани / Džaba Konstantinowitsch Iosseliani; * Juli in Chaschuri, Georgische SSR; † 4.