Copperhead road line dance steps

Footloose line dance

Come join Gail & Harry the "SILVER SPURRS" to learn classic and new line dances.
copperhead road line dance steps

Dirt road dancing

Copperhead Road – 3 different versions Below are 3 different dances common done to the song ”Copperhead Road” The first 2 are the most commonly done at Electric Cowboy in Denver .

Original copperhead road line dance

Music: Copperhead Road by Steve Earle HEEL, STEP, TOE, STEP, TOE, SIDE, BEHIND, ¼ TURN RIGHT Touch right heel forward, step right together Touch left toe behind right, .

Boot scootin' boogie line dance
40 Count 4 Wall Beginner / Improver Line Dance - Bobbey Willson (USA) - September